Thursday, June 7, 2018

Iulia Gherghei writes

Another kind of spring

Death in your vision was so appetising
So voluptuous
Oh, yeah, yeah.... With her charms inciting us to sin, to commit savage debauchery
Oh, yes, yes, poet,
You deceive yourself and us too with nymphs wearing their scythe as a laurel crown
Their thighs billowing sweet angles and
the candied nipples anxiously waiting your slave kisses
Poet, what are you describing here it is not death
Only another kind of spring
Oh, yeah, yeah...

The poet answered with a smile

Lady Death -- TK Miller


  1. In 1991 Brian Pulido Stephen Hughes conceived Lady Death as a halluciantion, promising to love a boy named Ernest Faitchild in exchange fo his loyalty and his vow to kill everyone. She appeared in that role in "Evil Ernie #1. Her character evolved, however, and she starred in a series of comic books as Hope, an innocent medieval Swedish girl whose father was an aristocratic sorcerer. To save herself from rebious peasants who threatened to burn her alive, she summoned a demon, who offered to save her in exchange for her service to Lucifer. But in Hell she led a revolt, and Lucifer imposed a curse on her that she would never return to Earth as long as life existed there. In return, she swore to exterminate all terrestrial life. She then escaped his control by casting him through Heaven's Gate and assumed control of Hell itself. After Pukido's "Chaos! Comics" went bankrupt in 2002 he continued to work on a new version of his character for Avatar. In the revision Hope was the daughter of a differently-named Crusader/sorceror, whose body was taken over by Sagos, who fled to the Blacklands with her mother. To avoid being killed she summoned wraiths to rescue her. The series' plot line revolved aroun her hunt for her father, who plans to destroy all life,


What do you have to say?

Moinak Dutta writes

In memory of that man Writing something about you is like Trying to make a swim through a sea, Through wave after wave ...