Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kim Heeyoung sculpts

Let Me Go


Duane Vorhees writes, DJ Zathrus composes


Yes, we been Damascus,
we been Jerusalem:
one place fulla caskets,
one of diadems.
And if you was to ask us
which one we’d choose o’ them --
the mounds of retirement,
or the crown of desire, yeah,
well, some days the caskets,
and some, the diadems.
‘Cause we been Damascus
and been Jerusalem.

The Road to Damascus --  DJ Zathrus

J. S. Aanand writes


Don't be surprised.
You are in heaven.
But the presence of killers arsoners and dacoits smugglers and gangsters unsettled me.
I looked at God with humble unbelieving eyes.
What are they doing here?
On earth we all curse them so much that they head straight for hell.

A father loves his kid
with the same hand with which
he slaps him, said God smiling.

This is my army.
They are the grand machine of retribution.
They act under my orders.
Your actions invite them
And they are trained to do their job to perfection.

Killers are your ambassadors?
Yes God spake
And by visiting evil on human beings
They too are absolved of their crimes.

This part of my kingdom
Houses those who have gone astray.
Earth is now a storehouse of evil.
Good has fled.

But not your God.
I am here. In overall command.
Here is evil which is now
Negating itself.

Indigetible....was my feeling.
But how could I be unbelieving.
I, a believer. A faithful.

I was wondering......
Evil is masterminded by God.
Even killers act on his behest.
And thereby remove their taint.
Which makes their return to glory
Possible......strange ........
Sąd Ostateczny  (The Last Judgment) [central panel] -- Hans Memling

chester giles writes

the sky looks really incredible here tonight
i've never seen a night sky look like this
strange pastel reds burning from orange into indigos and purples
 thick and heavy like smoke but still translucent
though there's no light behind them just pitch
 like the dark is its own incandescence
and the clouds catch this colour and move with it
smearing the reds and the purples out like thumb prints
and the dots of the lights from the town sit in their relative still on the horizon
 in the distance
behind the silhouettes of the trees and the telegraph poles
and the wind takes the autumn and the cold
and the dark moves with it toward the sea
 and all the glass
 and all the stone
make it as though there is nothing real
skies burn dark reds as though they were painted
as though they were printed centuries ago
       some place else.
the whole world in conjured

 Illuminated Hills -- Remya Kumar

Jim Coates composes, Duane Vorhees writes

Here is a screen shot of how FD looks in the print preview window of Band in a Box. The 1st 4 bars are the intro chords. I got a particular sound by playing the initial G6 chord at the 12th fret, and the rest are at the 7th, 5th and 3rd frets.

Moinak Dutta writes

In memory of that man Writing something about you is like Trying to make a swim through a sea, Through wave after wave ...